To see the new timing of the exam visit /study/pcat/all-about-the-pcat/ Kaplan is so certain that PCAT Prep Plus 2018-2019 offers all the knowledge you need to excel at the PCAT that we guarantee it: After studying with the online resources and book, you'll score higher on the PCAT-or you'll get your money back. Rest assured that the changes still align with the effective prep you'll get from Kaplan's PCAT Prep Plus as the core skills and content tested has not changed. We have already updated the timing on the included Full-Length practice tests with PCAT Prep Plus to match the test as well as aligned the science sections with the increase in passage-based questions.

PCAT announced minor changes to the exam for the July 2018 test dates going forward - the timing of three of the sections has increased, giving you more time per question, a greater emphasis on passage-based questions in the science sections, more real-life problems in the Quantitative Reasoning section, and non-science based passages in Reading Comprehension. Kaplan Test Prep is the only Official Provider of PCAT Prep, as endorsed by the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). Kaplan's PCAT Prep Plus 2018-2019 includes all the content and strategies you need to get the PCAT results you want. If your address has changed or if you wish to confirm the mailing address on file, please email PCAT Customer Relations with your correct address within three (3) business days of requesting the cancellation.PCAT announced minor changes to the exam for the July 2018 test dates going forward, but rest assured that the changes still align with the effective prep you'll get from Kaplan's PCAT Prep Plus. It takes approximately 6–8 weeks for the refund to be sent to the address supplied on your PCAT profile.

Official pcat practice exam registration#
If you have lost your credit card or it has been replaced since you registered, you may still cancel your PCAT registration online. If you dispute your credit card charges or if you do not pay for your exam, your scores will not be released until payment is received.

Refunds are not given if you do not follow the cancellation procedures. The remainder of your Registration Fee, and of any additional fees paid at the time of registration, is retained to cover necessary expenses for processing your cancellation. If you cancel your registration by the cancellation deadline, you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the Registration Fee. Cancel your registration on the PCAT site.To receive a partial refund of your Registration Fee, you will need to complete the following two steps prior to the cancellation deadline for the appropriate testing window: To cancel your registration online you will need the same credit card you used at registration. If your exam cannot be scheduled online, you will be prompted to call Pearson VUE Accommodations at 1-80 in order to schedule your testing date, time, and location, and to ensure that you receive your approved accommodations. You must inform the VUE Accommodations Coordinator that you are requesting a special accommodation when you call to schedule your exam. Once approved, you can then schedule your testing date, time, and location. If you are requesting any special accommodations, you must be pre-approved by PCAT Customer Relations prior to scheduling with a Pearson VUE Test Center.